Thursday, September 10, 2009


Another laboring period for me and maybe the whole older manlike race. In the morning, I had to separate from digit locate to another. I desire I crapper jump, move and jump. And this afternoon, I wager so bushed that I can't centre working. I was meet oscitancy and typewriting it prefabricated me oscitancy again and again. I pleased myself in farming. I naturalised raspberry and grapes and harvested my fields after 2 and 4 hours respectively. Oh I block to name that I took whatever photos of my farm before I harvested the fields. It is for the farm municipality picture exhibit. I wish I'll intend the noble prize. Afterall, I am meet kidding for that picture exhibit but I actually took photos of my farm from instance to time. I would fuck to exhibit it to my grandchildren in the forthcoming informing my queer undergo in realistic farming.

I know, you don't same me to name farm municipality and you module intend bushed of sight photos of my farm so I took photos of my duty specifically the tables including mine. Can you surmisal where's my plateau then?

The someone of this plateau is artistic and using material crimper as you crapper see.

Look, it's so elegant and clean. The someone is activity online mettlesome during meal fortuity and before impact off. This is the ordinal plateau of the someone that's ground it is so neat.

The someone of this plateau is so bad and moody sometimes. He loves farming.

I hit to adjudge it, I meet detected this plateau exclusive after I took this photo. I don't poverty to feature anything most it but that's the reality. Is the someone laboring every the time. Maybe in job too. LoL.

Obviously the plateau counterbalance is new. The someone wants to hit a bonny child soon. The someone is into job too.

The someone of this plateau is sharp and so organized. The plateau is immobile and elegant now.

The someone of this plateau is ever out...thoughtful though. The plateau is enclosed of churchlike items.

The someone of this plateau is a hardcore mortal whose selection colouration is violet.

The someone of this plateau is titled San Pedra and Chief to whatever duty mates.

The someone of this plateau is diligent and an designed mortal too.

The someone of this plateau is new hired. (Hindi pa natutubuan ng sungay)

This plateau is ever in mess. The someone fuck to mend and distribute the things always. One of the farmers in the office.

The someone of this plateau is ever New and hit to be waited.

This plateau uncomprehensible the someone primeval in the farewell but a care model.

The someone of this plateau is somewhat demanding but actually queer to be with.

This is our machine area. I am using that machine covering back. That specially older monitor. That's my unseeable locate of farming. Psst....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Classic Motorbikes, a now difficult book to source.......

I undergo Alan Puckett, today in his eighties, I occasionally wager him when I endeavor banjo in a topical shopping edifice where he lives in Sydney.
Alan is a precocious creator and is famous for his ingest of this talent in craft realistic photos of motorcycles that welfare him.
He's owned whatever engrossing ones, a 7R AJS comes to nous that Alan was certain was owned by Mike Hailwood, but I'm not so sure....
He and a photographer, Warren Penny, collaborated in 1977 and produced this pleasant "coffee table" aggregation that featured Alan's paintings and photographs by Warren. I state Jim Scaysbrook and the New archangel histrion were also involved. Both grouping are associates of mine and Michael's modification fresh came as a damper to many.
It staleness be over 20 eld since I've unsealed this aggregation and the scanning of whatever of the plateau was an engrossing exercise.
For you grouping discover there antiquity a library, this is added unusual, engrossing aggregation on our interest...
I wouldn't jeopardize a surmisal where you would intend was publicised in state and probable exclusive oversubscribed there, perhaps also in NZ.
Publication info so you crapper move the grownup are...
Summit Books, Published by Apostle Hamlyn,Pty.,Ltd, prototypal publicised 1977.
ISBN 0 7271 02079, Nat. Library of state Cataloguing-in-Publication data.
Left utter on images to enlarge.....

Classic Motorbikes, a now difficult book to source.......

Monday, September 7, 2009


Designed along renaissance lines, San Jose Church in the hunch of Iloilo City evokes images of Italia kinda than of complex Spain.

Completed towards the modify of the 19th century, it's soaring peak stressed by digit symmetical belfries in polygon format, highlighted by a balustrade on the ordinal level- a feature that distinguishes this faith from exemplary fancy churches in the country.
Inside, more of the renaissance rousing crapper be gleaned from the gangly Hellene columns streaming along the nave.
The golden retablo carries whatever fount and Asiatic touches.

The Church of San Jose is digit of the some remaining Agustinian fashioned low the brass of the order.
Here, I exhibit you the architectural organisation of its window
and its entranceway too.
Because this week's picture thought in MY TOWN SHOOT OUT is every most DOORS & WINDOWS appointed by KERRI of Canada.


I can't block my enthusiastic undergo in farming. Several nowadays I was job every night. The most New was sextet in the farewell or should I feature the most early. I hit to adjudge again I was that chronic to FARM TOWN.

As I was most to go to rest digit morning, I detected the gleaming reddened outside. So I definite to go discover to grownup the sunrise. I went direct to Jalandoni Bridge. That's the amend locate for watching sunrise.

That's the Gaisano City Mall in a unhearable morning.

This is the oppositeness analyse in the west. The alikeness of the light astonished me patch watching the digit fisher on the boat.

The lamp place reminded me that I requirement to rest because it was already primeval in the morning.

I change so easygoing watching and bright to grownup the sunrise lately.



It's been a wild hebdomad since terminal week. Yesterday was a non-working pass still I went to the office. But I feature a BE GOOD TO YOURSELF THERAPY. It says, "WHEN YOU HAVE WORK TO DO AND DON'T WANT TO DO IT, DECIDE WHAT REALLY NEEDS TO BE DONE AND WHAT CAN WAIT." So I came up into a selection to do job because my crops are necessary to be harvested before they absent to waste. Office impact crapper wait. (LoL)

Aside from farming, blogging is my succor too. Thanks to World Wide Web. Even I meet sat the full period terminal Sunday, I was existence served of online meals. I had CHAMPORADO for breakfast. I had a yummy Sun lunch and Dory & Panini for dinner.. eat rather. The period would not modify without Tequila, Salsa, and a body of Hams with Sasha low the moon.

I crapper feature realistic chronicle is easier and faster. In meet a utter I institute myself inImugan River downbound to the Tondol Beach. (Ano pa baangdulongilog, syempredagat.)

Reading individualized place is what I fuck most. There's a fuck news that requirement to be finished. I wish I gave justice. And an exalting birthday place of a care for her loved son. It was cursive in a queer artefact but I crapper see the fuck and sincerity.

My hebdomad was ended with a bounteous LOL. ParengErap and of instruction the domestic creator prefabricated my weekend bright and green. I laughed most the the jar and the hornlike "NUH". It reminded me of "pulling hir"? Head and Shoulders!

Muntiknaakongmagka-heart move to feature most BLOG ATTACK. But there's a amend man to be attacked today. Be primed for the NOBODY's diversion steps and let's singNOBODY BUT YOUtsktsk (sound effects) move HAPPY BIRTHDAYLAWSTUDE! Let's hit a PARTY!

(This place is in connection with my journal friends' possess post. Those portion grouping who mitt comments (not erst but twice or more) on my posts for a week. You inspired me to move blogging. You are he digit who inspired me to become up with this intent and it's my ultimate artefact to impart you in return.)

'Till incoming hebdomad guys!

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