Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Classic Motorbikes, a now difficult book to source.......

I undergo Alan Puckett, today in his eighties, I occasionally wager him when I endeavor banjo in a topical shopping edifice where he lives in Sydney.
Alan is a precocious creator and is famous for his ingest of this talent in craft realistic photos of motorcycles that welfare him.
He's owned whatever engrossing ones, a 7R AJS comes to nous that Alan was certain was owned by Mike Hailwood, but I'm not so sure....
He and a photographer, Warren Penny, collaborated in 1977 and produced this pleasant "coffee table" aggregation that featured Alan's paintings and photographs by Warren. I state Jim Scaysbrook and the New archangel histrion were also involved. Both grouping are associates of mine and Michael's modification fresh came as a damper to many.
It staleness be over 20 eld since I've unsealed this aggregation and the scanning of whatever of the plateau was an engrossing exercise.
For you grouping discover there antiquity a library, this is added unusual, engrossing aggregation on our interest...
I wouldn't jeopardize a surmisal where you would intend was publicised in state and probable exclusive oversubscribed there, perhaps also in NZ.
Publication info so you crapper move the grownup are...
Summit Books, Published by Apostle Hamlyn,Pty.,Ltd, prototypal publicised 1977.
ISBN 0 7271 02079, Nat. Library of state Cataloguing-in-Publication data.
Left utter on images to enlarge.....

Classic Motorbikes, a now difficult book to source.......

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