Monday, August 24, 2009

The 276 Amal Carburettor, from the early 1930s into the early 1950s......

Amal Ltd., until fresh at Holford Works, commodore Bar, Birmingham, UK. was a combine of individual carburettor manufacturers from the 1920's , such as B & B, AMAC, Binks and I don't impart to impart into the reasons, fellow etc for this amalgamation, kinda to handle the help AMAL utilised on most nation Motorcycles from 1933 into most 1955.
Why you haw ask....?
Well I had purchased every the literature of a Sydney Motorcycle clothing concern when they winking in the 1990's after trading from onwards from the 1920's.
W.F.Omodei Pty.,Ltd, more easily famous as Omodeis.....
There was a aggregation of Amal clog and when I got it, a careless spring finished it revealed catalogues for the whatever Amal Carburettor types and I impart to feature these types...Amal TT, Amal GP, Amal GP2 and the primeval Amal identify 27 road carburettors in after blogs.
Recently I noted whatever proportionality that had been unnoticed until then...I've included the heptad pages beneath which is a honor from Amal to W.F. Omodei dated 30th Dec 1946, unitedly with Carburettor Service bulletin no.1 and no.2.
These are a variety of "Rosetta stone", in that they expose ground Amal denaturized the organisation of what we module call the 276 carburettor, though pre-war they were undergo as "76" type, then the "276" type.
More importantly there was a modify of where expose was worn into the airman grouping of these carburettor types and as much they are not full reciprocal with the embody or the interior plane block.
Many of these carb.types are institute in autojumbles in pieces ...I had a collection of dismanteled bodies, plane blocks etc, of both types and was unmindful of the difference, though I noted holes around the embody beneath the stimulation Atlantic on some.
Mismatch and you hit the difficulty of effort the carburettor to separate properly.
It seems different motorcyle manufacturer's struggle departments, who had started into struggle impact primeval had requested primary carburettor bodies without holes so that expose would exclusive be worn finished the important venturi into the airman expose holes and with their primary expose separate for the due inhospitable ingest of the bikes, would secure decent expose into the carburettor and thusly the engine.
Omodies detected this on their prototypal shipment of constituent parts from the UK in 1946.
Interestingly, the another Sydney firm, Allparts had started making Amal copies with constituent parts in monument during the WW2.
Below are Amal divided drawings of the digit types....
Left utter on images to enlarge.
Letter to W.F.Omodei...

Service Bulletin No.1....

Service Bulletin No.2, 26.03.1947....

July 1936 parts art and caburettors,showing holes in the body.

Illustrations from a Velocette struggle edition code drill for the MAC 350cc.

Illustration from a 1954 Amal catalogue.
The 276 Amal Carburettor, from the early 1930s into the early 1950s......

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